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Learn and Launch 

We are raising up teams to reach a world that is void of hope, direction and vision. To re-define Jesus to a world who thinks He is something else. These teams will be trained and equipped to go into placed that the church does not go into. 

By signing up for Learn and Launch, you are saying YES to all of the above.


We cannot afford to have people sit on the sidelines on this one. 

Learn and Launch is an intensive 1-day training. Reading "Words that Work" is a pre-requisite to signing up for this training. I would add that we only want people who are serious about going and not people who are curious about going.

Learn & Launch is $100/per person and includes lunch. We will go over everything we have learned from the decades of outreaches and pass this on to you. How to set up effective teams, team unity, language, body language, learning to hear and so much more. This is a training and equipping.  After completing the training and going on the outreach, the attendees will be eligible for possible consideration for one of our more extreme outreaches in the future. 

Our team will come to you. All we need is at least 50 people and a venue. If you are interested in hosting this, please contact us.

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